Aug 132017

Our monthly breakfast ride was held at the Vail Steakhouse this month.  Those in attendance were; Stan, Mel & Marsha, John, Jim, Al, Bud, and Terry. 

After breakfast Stan, John, and Bud took a ride.  Here is a synopsis of their ride as written by Stan. 

We had a small group for breakfast. Afterward John Bud, and I took a ride. We rode south on the Sonoita Highway. We rode west on 82 through Patagonia, continuing to W River Rd. We went north to Via Frontera, then west on Ruby Rd to I-19. We headed north on 19 and stopped at the Rest Area north of Arivaca Junction. It was a good place to stop for a talk before we continued to Tucson. John said it was the longest ride he has been on since he had been plagued with back and shoulder problems. It was good to see him enjoying the ride. John and I were going to head east on Sahuarita Rd to Houghton Rd, then north for home. Bud was going to continue north on I-19 to head home and parted ways at the Sahuarita Rd exit. John dropped off Houghton Rd at Golf Links and when I arrived at home, I had ridden 164 miles that morning. I am sure Bud had ridden many more than that. 

Jul 272017

We had our monthly dinner ride, this month at Brother John’s BBQ, 1801 N Stone Ave., (520) 867-6787.  Here are those who made the ride; Stan & Patti, Jim & Pam, Bear, Robi, & Lee, Debra, Paul, & Elmer, Frank, Jim and Twan & Fonda.  Unfortunately our member and friend Al got there a little late so he is not in the picture.  Here is a group photo:

Jun 022017

Well we had 10 members and family come to our monthly dinner ride which was at Molinitos this month.  Those who made the ride were;  Stan & Patti and their friend Connie, Ernie & Priscilla, Jay & Yvonner, Paul, Debbie, & their son Elmer.  Here are a few pictures of dinner.



Apr 082017

The Hired Guns Motorcycle Club, Arizona Chapter, has scheduled Saturday, May 6, 2017, to be the 6th anniversary of the Brian A. Terry Memorial Ride. This year, all proceeds will go to the family of fallen Border Patrol Agent Manuel Alvarez, and the Brian Terry Foundation. Please start requesting the date off now in BPETS so you can come out and participate in this great cause. Also, we will be attempting to raise money in the form of a gun raffle where the winner gets choice. See the flyers below for details, and if you’re interested in buying some tickets, stop me in the halls or text my cell. I hope to see you all there. Thanks.

Brain Terry Memorial Run

Joshua Lejman

P.S. If you can’t make it, but would still like to help, please visit and register to be a “rider.”

To All,

The address for Cochise Motorsports is actually 1100 Avenida Cochise in Sierra Vista.