Jul 292011

Photos are posted in the “Photos” Section

OK I finally sat down and have written a report of what went on at the 2011 International Convention.  The convention ran from July 17 – 22, 2011 in Chesapeake, Va. Hosted by VA V.

I arrived late on Sunday afternoon.  The trip from Cincinnati to Chesapeake was a long 11 hours and 670 miles.  Upon arrival there was a cookout from 4:00 – 6:00.


Starting on Monday and every day thereafter you were treated to a breakfast buffet.  After breakfast was the BOG Meeting.

Those not wanting to attend the meeting or spouses could take the Yankee Candle Tour.  There were also a lot of self-guided tours and other guided tours presented by the host chapter.

Below is a recap from Bob Seeyle.

Board of Governors: Voted to go to Hot Springs, Arkansas in 2013. The dates for the convention will be July 14 – 19, 2013We appreciate the presentation from TN 1 in Memphis and hope to have this option again. Koen Hutse, European Rep announced their plans for a bid to host International in Austria in 2014. Start saving up those air miles!

A proposal to have the Special Fund include other family members got a majority, but not the required 2/3’s vote for a by-law change. The main hang-up was that some prefer language that would include children.

We had an excellent presentation regarding the 2012 Int’l Convention in Tyler, TX hosted by the TX XXXIV chapter, July 22-27, 2012. The host hotel is filling fast. Info on the Int’l website. (See below)

A vote was taken at the General Membership meeting regarding a proposal to hold future Int’l Elections/vote counting at the Int’l Convention instead of in Bangor in January. Much discussion was about changing the method of counting the ballots and having this handled by a private company. (This is still being researched and finalized). After a vote, this proposal stands and is now in effect.

At the Board of Directors Mtg, a proposal was passed that will have the Conference in charge of “Members at Large”, instead of the Int’l Office. The Election Committee gave a report and they are getting close to a proposal that would have a private company handle of future Int’l Elections. A draft Sexual Harassment Policy was presented and will be forwarded to our attorneys for review. A proposal was passed that will allow Conferences to opt out of receiving mailed copies of minutes; a big cost savings.

BOG Awards: Roger Farris Award for best represented chapter (formula: number attending, divided by total chapter members, times miles via direct route) was the Edmonton Chapter with 5 of 29 members riding 2574 miles! The Horst Maier Award (same for UK and Europe) was the England IX chapter with 4 members present. The Frank Gillespie Long Distance award went to Bruce from Edmonton Metro with 4,475 miles, 2nd place Mike Cate, WA II President with 4,420 miles. The John Bartholomew award for the most (per members) donated to the Special Fund went to the FLA XVII Chapter.

We had many Distinguished Service and Life Saving Awards. Those present received their awards. All will be sent to the BK news to be published. BOG Vice-Chairman Lon Strayer held a raffle for a Motorcycle Communication set (value $300) that was donated with proceeds going to the Special Fund. $731 was raised. Thank you Lon.

That’s a brief recap until the complete minutes are published. Those traveling home had extreme heat and some heavy rain. So far, no accident reports. Was a great week, good seeing everyone. Thank you VA V….RWP

Bob Seelye, Chairman
Board of Governors

2012 International Host Hotel:
Dates of Convention July 22 thru 27 2012
It’s at the Holiday Inn in Tyler, TX. Room Rate 94.00/night  POC reservations: Rebecca McLaughlin 903-561-5800

After the BOG Meeting there were a few vendors in the Host hotel parking lot.  We had a guy doing pin stripping, a guy selling flags, the Hooter Girls offering photos of them with you and your bike, and a Nascar Simulator.  You could try your hand a racing around a track.
At 13:00 there was the General Membership meeting.

That evening we had a fish fry at the local Shrine Avitities Building.  Here we had live entertainment (a group called Everafter), free margaritas, and all the food you could eat.  They were also raffling off a Henry repeating rifle.

After dinner the hospitality room opened starting @ 7:00 pm and ending ??:??  Playing this night was Mitch Foutz.


I meet a group from NJ XVII and we went on the self-guided poker run.  You had all week to complete the poker run.  You just had to get your brochure stamped so they knew you went to all the locations.  Once you completed the poker run you brought your brochure back, drew seven cards for the best hand.  Winning hand got $500.00.  The poker run took you all around the Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, and Norfolk area.  We did stop at the Ocean View Restaurant which has the longest Pier in North America.  Ocean Pier is located in Norfolk, VA.

That evening the hospitality room had a Woman singing Patsy Cline songs.  She sounded just like her.  Later in the evening it was “Karaoke time.”


Wednesday morning started out with our morning breakfast buffet.  From there we staged for the parade through Chesapeake and Virginia Beach areas.  We had over 600 bikes of all makes and types in the parade.  We had a police escort through town where residents actually stopped in the opposite lanes to observe our parade.

After the parade I and the members of NJ XVII finished our last three stops of the poker run.  After we returned and drew our cards one of the NJ members drew a full house.

In the afternoon there was the motorcycle skills competition.  This was similar to the Motors Competition that is held in Tucson each year.  Not as elaborate but just a fun to watch.  We even had the police escort guys run the competition with our Blue Knights.

Wednesday evening we went back to the Shrine Activities Building where we had a “Southern Style” bar-be-cue cookout.  We even had the remnants of the pig to partake in.  We had Cam & The Riverboyz as entertainment.

In the Hospitality room we had a local artist Dave Derring to sing.


After our morning breakfast on Thursday we took off on bikes in a group for the tour of the Norfolk Naval Base.  Once on the base we boarded tour buses for a trip around the base.  We could not get off the bus for the tour and were not allowed to take close-up photos of the ships that were in port.  The Enterprise was there for refueling.  We found out that in order to refuel they have to cut a hole in the ship to refuel her.  Also in port was the Yorktown, The New York, which was made from steel from the WTC, and the Arlington, which was made from steel from the Pentagon.  We were allowed to take photos of the ships from a distance.  Many of the ships you can see from the photos I took that are posted in the Photos Section.

Thursday evening we had an hour social hour before dinner where there was an ice sculpture of a motorcycle.  Within the motorcycle was a tube.  You could purchase “shots” which were poured through this tube and cooled as they came out the back of the bike.

The banquet dinner started @ 19:00 where we had a buffet consisting of seafood pasta, chicken, roast beef, vegetable medley, roasted red potatoes, and an assortment of desserts.


Friday was the day of farewells and “See You Next Year.”  Everyone is looking forward to next years International Convention in Tyler Texas.


I will post the information for the 2012 International Convention on our Web Page in the days to come.  Keep watching ;the “Categories” Section under Conventions.


RoN Friend

Jul 292011

I received this from Paul French – Blue Knight MWRC Safety Officer

Thought I would share the MWRC Newsletter Safety Report with you folks…

HELLO BLUE KNIGHTS….Been out riding for a while now? Mid-summer, the National BK Convention is over, several Conferences have finished their annual meetings but there are some fall conference get-together’s still to go.

You feel like you now have SAFETY well under your belt for the year?
Don’t think SAFETY is a concern now with your riding shape all under control?

Hmmmm how about these things: STEEL BRIDGE GRATINGS & RAIN GROOVES = these can be unnerving to some. But you have the correct things down – right? You – Don’t grip the handlebars TOO TIGHT. If there is a viibration in the handlebars you DO NOT fight it. You know this is a natural feedback from your tires going over those thousands of little steel squares.

You know the same about highway RAIN GROOVES. You know the purpose of those rain grooves is NOT some anti-cycling DOT ogre trying to knock you down, but instead it’s the DOT trying to keep traction for cars and trucks when it rains. You know it is your selection of tire tread on your cycle that affects the way your cycle will react on those grooves.

Again, you have the rain groove riding down pat – right? You – rearealize that if it feels like you have a flat tire when getting a squishy back & forth sideways motion that it’s likely just the rain grooves versus your tire tread. You DON’T worry. You keep going straight. You DON’T fight the handlebars. You know it “just feels funny.”

You have already ridden in RAIN. You know the rain gear fits OK, rain gloves are boots work just fine (your winter weight didn’t make the rain suit TOO tight). You’re MOST CAUTIOUS at the very start of rain, when road oil and residue cause the most slipperiness. You slow down, try not to cause tire traction to lose its road grip. Your more cautious on curves and avoid quick jerk turns.

OK, you are well on the way to a SAFE RIDING YEAR. Keep it up. We’ll see you on the highway and conventions where you arrive safe & sound.

Paul French MWRC Safety Officer

Jul 272011

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On Tuesday July 26th we had our monthly dinner ride.  This month’s dinner was at Pinnacle Peak.  Those who made the dinner ride were:  Stan & Patti Thibaut, Steve & Bonnie Mathews, Ray & Donna Valenzuela, and Rich & Debbie Fancher.

Jun 302011

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It was a hot evening in the Old Pueblo, but the food at The Loop, A Taste of Chicago was good. The owner, Mark Rusin, retired ATF, was on premises and came over to meet and greet us. We had some lively conversation. Two of our members, couples, that just met at dinner, found out they lived near each other, so at the end of the evening rode home together. Those in attendence were: Ray and Donna Valenzuela, RValenz146@yahoo.com Alan Stewart & Susan Wagner, Frank LaVia and Joan Klar, Will & Karla Hanson, Patti and I.

Jun 142011

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We had ten for breakfast and had a nice time eating and chatting.  Patti and I, Twan and his lady friend, Susan Wagner, Will and Karla Hanson, Mike Stoddard, his friend Ron from Green Valley, who has been to our breakfasts before and Mike Martin, from Sacremento, Rich Fancher’s old chapter. Mike always comes to stay in Tombstone and visits with our chapter when he is here. He and Rich went to the conference in Texas. Will and Karla had to head home after breakfast to pack for a vacation.  After breakfast we took a ride wanting to see the new bridge at Marsh Station Rd, so we went east on Old Benson Highway. I took them over the bridge, making a U-turn at the south end to go back to the westbound entrance ramp for I-10. We rode I-10 for the the distance back to the Sonoita Highway, SR 83, exit to head to Sonoita.  It was a nice sunny morning, great for a ride. In Sonoita, we went west on SR 82 riding through Patagonia and on toward Nogales, AZ.  Not wanting to ride through the congestion of Nogales, we took the by-pass route, River RD. to Via Frontera made the right and then the left onto Ruby Rd.  A couple bikes needed fuel, so we stopped at Ruby Rd and I-19 for something to drink, use the WC (Water Closet) and their fuel.  We discussed the plan for the remainder of the ride. We all decided we were going to exit I-19 at Continental Rd, then we would head toward the directions we needed to go for home. Mike Stoddard and Ron went west on Continental Rd, Patti and I, Sue, Twan and Mike went east.  Stan Thibaut

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Jun 022011

On Tuesday May 31st we had our monthly dinner ride.  This month our dinner ride was to the Trident Grill.  The owner of the Trident Grill was the trainer of some of the Seals who took out Osama Bin Laden.

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Fifteen members, family, and friends made the dinner ride.  Those who made the dinner ride were:

Stan & Patti Thibaut, Mark Robinson, Alan & Brenda Berry, Alan Stewart and Susan Wagner, Steve and Bonnie Mathews, Steve and Julie Kelley, Ray and Donna Valenzuela, Mike Proctor, and Mike Lenhus

May 142011

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On Saturday May 15th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  Our original destination was El Guero Canelo.

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However unbeknownst to us they had stopped serving breakfast effective May 1st.  They now open at 10:00 each day.

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So a decision was made and we all headed over to Old Times Cafe on Prince.  We were able to get our private room like we have in the past.  We also had a great turnout.  There were a total of fifteen (15) members, family and friends in attendance.

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Those who made the ride were:  Stan & Patti, Norm, John Falzone, John J., Twan, Mike Stoddard, Mark Robinson, Ray Valenzuela, Susan Wagner and her son Ryan, Bill “Rev” Calkins, Mike Martin, Bev, and of course myself.

A great time was had with a lot of conversations about the upcoming SWC and Mike Martins’ ride to Texas.  Looks like only Rich & Mike are going on that ride.  After a great breakfast we all went our separate ways with several members stopping at THD on their way home.

May 072011

Have you ever heard of ICE, In Case of Emergency? ICE is a contact name you put in your cell phone. What you do is create a contact with the name ICE. Then you put in the phone number of someone who knows your medical history and someone who you would want called in the event you were injured in an accident, whether it be in a car or on a motorcycle.

Now comes the Utag ICE digital Dog Tag available from UTAGICE. This system has three options, a credit card, bracelet, or ID chain. All incorporate a jump drive with a USB port so you can enter all your vital information, ie, allergies, medications, doctors names, and all your medical information. In the event you are in an accident the EMTS/doctors can get the help you need immediately.

As well as all medical information there is a security area where I have details of Passport, Mot, Insurance and Driving Licence details.