Oct 052012

Our dinner ride at the Trident Grill brought out some old familiar faces and our newest member Mike Cruce.  Those is attendance were: Stan & Patti Thibaut, Bill & Jackie Daily, Frank & Kate Brunetti, Norm Hubbard, Alan Stewart & Susan Wagner, Twan Jim & Barb Kneup, Mike Cruce, Alan & Brenda Berry, and last but not least Jeff & Kelli Jamieson.

The Gang

The Gang


Sep 142012
Vail - 01

Vail – 01

Well this month we had a GREAT turnout for breakfast.  A total of 25 members, family and friends made our breakfast ride one of the largest to date. A lot of members who have not made breakfast in a while were able to come.  Those in attendance this month were: Stan & Patti Thibaut, Russ & Jackie Cole, Mike & Tammi Leeper (friends of the Cole’s, Mike is a retired firefighter), Kelly & Jeff Jamieson, Frank & Kate Brunetti, Rick Hartigan, Bob & Rusty Ness. Alan, Rayn Stewart and Susan Wagner, Will Hanson, Ray Valenzuela & his daughter Erica, Larry Harris (a retired TPD who was one of our original Charter members), Terry, Norm Hubbard, Bill< Rev, Calkins, Twan & Fonda.  Here are a few pictures of the gang.

Vail - 08

Vail – 08

Vail - 07

Vail – 07

Vail - 06

Vail – 06

Vail - 05

Vail – 05

Vail - 04

Vail – 04

Vail - 03

Vail - 02
Vail – 02
Aug 302012

Our August Dinner Ride was at Taste of Chicago on Oracle Road.  It also happened to be a surprise birthday party for Ray.  We had a lot of members, family and friends and even our newest member Mike Cruce.  Those in attendance were: Ray & Donna Valenzuela, Ericka and Danielle (Ray’s daughter & grand daughter), Roni & John (friends of Ray’s), Frank & Kate Brunetti, Jim & Barb Kneup, Rick Hartigan, Will Hanson, Jeff Jamieson, Will & Giselle, Stan & Patti Thibaut, our newest member Mike Cruce, (OVPD), and Larry Harris, (retired TPD) who was also one of our founding members.

Here are some photos.

The Gang - 06

The Gang - 05

The Gang - 04

The Gang – 03

The Gang – 01

The Gang - 02

Birthday Boy

Birthday Cake

Aug 212012

A large part of your enjoyment of motorcycle riding depends upon preparation. Such preparation includes checking your bike and dealing with any small repairs while you’re still in the driveway.

Good preparation also includes having the right tools handy to manage routine and emergency on-road repairs.

Chances are the toolkit that came with your motorcycle contains only a few basic hand tools designed to handle simple tasks. And I bet they’re not high-quality tools, either.

That’s why most motorcycle riders supplement their stock toolkit with a carefully selected collection of dependable, well-made tools.

Even if you don’t ride too far or too often, it is comforting to know you have good tools at your disposal if you need them.

And because my mechanical and electrical troubleshooting capabilities are limited, besides carrying useful hand tools, I also carry my…

  • Cell phone…
  • Credit card…
  • Insurance company’s emergency service number…
  • American Motorcyclist Association roadside service number…

So, if I can’t handle motorcycle repairs myself or overcome an on-road emergency, I know I can contact someone who can.

Depending upon your own cycle-repair capabilities and how prepared you want to be when it comes to handling on-road maintenance…

Here’s a list of compact, high-quality hand tools, spares and equipment to have with you to deal with most motorcycle repairs and quick fixes…

  • Allen wrenches — all sizes specific to your bike…
  • Combination wrenches — all sizes to fit your bike’s nuts and bolt…
  • Crescent wrench — 6-inch…
  • Small ball-peen hammer — shorten the handle for easy packing…
  • Leatherman tool or Swiss Army Knife…
  • Multi-meter — to troubleshoot electrical problems…
  • Multi-tool — to work on a variety of screws, nuts and bolts…
  • Needle-nose pliers — 6-inch…
  • Slip-joint pliers — 6-inch…
  • Vise-grip locking pliers — 7-inch…
  • Compact socket set containing all sockets specific to your bike…
  • Spark plug socket…
  • Gasoline siphon tube — 6-feet, clear plastic…
  • Duct tape — 10- to 15-foot-long roll…
  • Electrical tape — 10- to 15-foot-long roll…
  • Tape measure — 24 inches…
  • Tie wraps/zip ties/cable-ties — about 20 in different lengths and sizes…
  • Tire puncture-repair kit…
  • Tire pressure gauge…
  • Air pump — small hand-operated…
  • Air pump — small electric, attaches to your bike’s battery…
  • Fuses — two of each size your bike uses…
  • Headlight, tail light and turn signal spare bulbs…
  • Brake lever and clutch lever spares…
  • Oil filter wrench — for long trips…
  • Chain repair kit — for long trips…
  • Your bike’s original tools — especially those specific to your bike…
  • Tool bag to hold everything…
  • Your bike’s owner’s manual…

Here’s another important “accessory” to have on your bike…

Your knowledge of your motorcycle and your ingenuity are just as important as the tools and spare parts you carry. So you’re really doing yourself a favor by becoming as familiar as possible with your bike’s workings before you go riding — especially if you’re planning a long trip.

Having the right motorcycle tools handy and knowing how to use them will increase your peace of mind when traveling and make motorcycle riding all the more enjoyable.

Ride safe.

Aug 132012

Well we had a great turnout for our August breakfast ride.  It was back at the Vail Steakhouse which is where it will be indefinitely until we come up with another location.  Those who made the ride were: Russ & Jackie Cole, their friends Mike and Tammi Leeper a retired firefighter from Iowa, David & Laurie Vitkus, Frank & Kate Brunetti, Alan Stewart and Susan Wagner, Jeff & Kelly Jamieson, Steve Mathews, Dave Lehman, and his friend Thomas Clark, Terry, and of course our Stan & Patti Thibaut.  Here are a few pictures of those who made the ride.


Thomas Dave and Steve

Stan & Patti

Russ & Jackie

Frank & Kate Brunetti

Mike & Tammi Leeper

David & Laurie Vitkus

Jeff & Kelly

Alan & Susan

Aug 112012

Well the 38th Annual International is now history.  If I said that is was a great Convention that would be understating the facts.  THe weather was nice except for the humidity.  We had just one day where there was a little light rain but nothing to stop us from riding.  I have created a bunch of pictures from the Convention.  They are at the top of the page under “Photos.”  Since I can not name them in the photos gallery I will give you a little update on what they are about.

1.  The first couple of pictures are of the Welcome Banner.
2.  The next couple are of the Welcome dinner and party.
3.  The next couple are of some International Members.
4.  The next picture was of someone pet we decided to name “Frank” from MIB.
5.  The next group of pictures is the barbeque night and some local talent who played as we ate and socialized.
6.  Next two photos are of the BOG meeting.
7.  The next group of photos are of a guided ride we took.  First we went to the Motor Trike Factory where they make the trike conversions for various brands of motorcycles.  Then we went to the “London Museum.”  This s a museum dedicated to the explosion on March 18, 1937.  This was the most devastating explosion in history of a school.  There was a gas leak under the school and a shop teacher turned on an electric sander which sparked and caused the catastrophic explosion.  There was a nine year old girl who survived and it was her talking to Congress at hearing that created the odor that we know today that is in all Natural and propane gas.  She still speaks out today 75 years later about child protection and safety.  There is WAY too much to try to explain here but you can find out more at:  The New London Texas School Explosion.  Next we went to the Tyler Texas Rose Garden.  Tyler Texas has the largest public collection of roses in the United States.  You can see by some of my pictures that these rose bushes are 30 – 50 years old and still growing.  More information can be found at: Tyler Municipal Rose Garden Center.  Then I toured the inside where they have all of the Rose Queen Gowns.  What a selection over the years.  I can only imagine how much these things weighed.  You can read more about the Rose Festival Rose Parade at:
Texas Rose Festival, Rose Parade, and Rose Museum.
8.  Next is the Karaoke Night and NO I did not get up and sing though I was egged on I knew it would not be a good idea.  There are a lot of photos of Blue Knights sitting in the hospitality room enjoying the night festivities.
9.  Next are some of Tyler Texas’ finest in Blue.  They recently purchased 12 Victory Police Bikes from the Tucson Victory Dealer.  The Tucson Dealer is the sole distributor of Victory Police Bikes.  Many States and Canada have come to Tucson to purchase these police bikes.  They lead our parade through town on the last day of the Convention.  Then there are some eclcetic collection of motorcycles and trailers you have ever seen.  The one that jumps out at you the most is the people from Oklahoma in the Zebra striped bike, trailers, riding companions, and wearing apparel.
10.  Finally is the Banquet and closing ceremonies on Thursday night.

Now to the meat of the Convention.  At the BOG Meeting there was 125 voting chapters.  We had members from Poland, England, Switzerland, Australia in attendance.  There are a total of 628 chapters with 19,597 members.  There were 14 new chapters in 2012 with 2,244 members.  Serbia is a new chapter and has 12 members.  THe oldest rider was a seventy-seven year old who has ridden a motorcycle to ALL 38 conventions.  THe youngest was a sixteen girl from Texas.

The SWC has 25 Chapters with 824 members.  They have or are starting chapters in Portugal and S. Africa.  One hundred and twelve (112) members transferred to Heaven One this year.

The 2013 International Convention will be in Hot Springs Arkansas. It will be hosted by AR IV.  The dates for the Convention are July 14 – 19, 2013.  More information can be found at: 2013 International Convention.

Aug 012012

Well another month has past and again we had a great turnout.  Those who made the dinner ride to Thunder Canyon Brewery were: Jim and Barbara Kneup, Ray and Donna Valenzuela, Mark Maisto, Will and Giselle Harris, Twan, Mark Robinson, Mike Stoddard, Jeff Jamieson, and last but not least our newest member Frank & Kate Brunetti.

Sorry about no pictures.  I am having problems putting pictures taken from a camera phone.  They do not size up right.  You will just have to visualize the images from the names.  I will work on the pictures and see if I can get them added.

Jul 162012

Well we had a great turnout for this months breakfast ride.  We had a total of nineteen, yes 19 members, family, and friends come for breakfast.  Those who made the breakfast were: Will & Giselle Harris, our olde timer now (we have a newer member) Rick Hartigan, Susan Wagner and Alan Stewart, Jeff & Kelly Jamieson, Mike Martin from CA-1, Mike Stoddard, Twan, Terry A., Bob Ness, Norm and Mary Hubbard, Russ and Jackie Cole along with their friend Mike Lapeer and FINALLY our newest member Frank & Kate Brunetti.  Wow now that is some turnout.  Below are a few pictures that were taken.




Jun 302012

Our June dinner ride was at Mama Louisa’s.  We had a very good turnout this month with members bringing friends and family.  We also had our newest member Frank Brunetti and his wife Kate.  Frank is a member from ENG XII and will be living in Tucson for the next 5 years or so.  Those who made the ride were: Jeff and Kelli Jamieson, Ray and Donna Valenzuela, Mark and Kim Maisto, their children Nicholas, Jillian and Gina, their parents Nick and Pat Maisto, and finally Stan and Patti Thibaut,



Here are a few picture of those who made the ride:

Mama Louisa's - 03

Mama Louisa's - 02

Mama Louisa's - 01