May 282015

Well another great night out for a dinner ride.  This month we met at Pionic Pizza on Campbell.  While we didn’t have our best turnout, Stan & Patti Thibaut, Ray & Donna Valenzuela, Jeff Jamieson, Bruce & Bonni Distler, and yours truly, those who made the ride were not disappointed.  Pionic Pizza offers Pizza, Salad, or Pasta all for one price of $7.45.  You can put as much or as little of any and all ingredients on your dish for one low price.  You will NOT go home hungry that’s for sure.  Here are a few pictures of those who made the ride.

Pionic Pizza - 01   Pionic Pizza - 02

Pionic Pizza - 03

May 102015

WOW what a great turnout we had on Saturday.  This was the first time going to this restaurant and we were not disappointed.  Twenty members, family and friends made the ride many on two wheels.  Those who made the ride were; Alan & Susan Wagner, Al Tomlinson, Russ & Jackie Cole, Stan & Patti, who came in Patti’s PINK 1965 Mustang convertible, Bear & Robi Campbell, Twan and Fonda, John & Garnetti Falzone, Will & Karla Hanson, Bruce Distler, George (Bud) Welch, Terry and yours truly.  Twan also brought of neighborhood friend by the name of Grady.  We always encourage bringing friends along on our rides.  Here are a few photos of those who made the ride.

May 5, 2015 - 01 May 5, 2015 - 02 May 5, 2015 - 03 May 5, 2015 - 04 May 5, 2015 - 05 May 5, 2015 - 06 May 5, 2015 - 07

May 062015

Twelve members and family turned out for our monthly dinner ride to Claim Jumper.  Those members included Stan & Patti Thibaut, Randy & Cindi Palmer, Bear & Robi Campbell, Bruce & Bonni Distler, John Chruscinski, “Rev”, our president Jim Kneup, and yours truly.  Here are a few pictures of us enjoying dinner.

BKAZIX Dinner 4-28-15-01 BKAZIX Dinner 4-28-15-02 BKAZIX Dinner 4-28-15-03 BKAZIX Dinner 4-28-15-04

Apr 192015

On Saturday April 18th the IV Annual Brian Terry Memorial Ride was held in Tombstone.  There was a large turnout of fellow LEO’s who came from as far as San Diego and San Clemente California.There were members from Legion Riders, VFW, Usual Suspects, Choir Boys, Hallowed Few, and Hired Guns and of course our Blue Knights AZ IX. Those from our chapter were Randy & Cindy Palmer, Dan Thrasher and yours truly.  Larry Houghland was not able to ride but he did come to Tombstone.

The ride started and ended at the American Legion in Tombstone on Allen Street.  First stop was Chosin Cycles in Huachuca City, Fraternal Order of Eagles in Benson, The Rock Saloon & Brill at the Triangle T Ranch in Draagon, VFW in Pearce, and finally back to Tombstone.  Here are some pictures of the MANY motorcycles that were there.

2015 Brian Terry Ride - 01   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 02   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 03   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 04

2015 Brian Terry Ride - 05   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 06   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 07   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 08

2015 Brian Terry Ride - 09   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 10   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 11   2015 Brian Terry Ride - 12

2015 Brian Terry Ride - 13

Apr 112015

Our April breakfast ride has come and gone.  This month we had 14 members and family attend breakfast.  Those who made it today are; Stan & Patti Thibaut, Bruce Distler, Russ & Jackie Cole, John Falzone, Jim Kneup, Terry, Norm & Mary Hubbard, Twan, Al Tomlinson, Mike Leeper, and yours truly.  Here are a few pictures of breakfast.

Breakfast April 11 - 01   Breakfast April 11 - 02

Breakfast April 11 - 03

Apr 012015

Well another dinner ride has come on gone.  This month we had fourteen (14) members and family make the ride to Shlomo & Vitos’s Italian Delicatessen.  Those who made the ride were; Jim & Barb Kneup, Bruce Distler, John Chruscinski, Ray & Donna Valenzuela, Will Harris, Jeff Jamieson, Terry, John & Garnetta Falzone, Bear & Robi Campbell and yours truly.  A great time, food, and conversation was had by all.

Dinner 03-31-15-01   Dinner 03-31-15-02   Dinner 03-31-15-03   Dinner 03-31-15-04

Mar 302015

The Missing in America Project Ride (MIAP) was on Saturday March 28th.  We met at Adair Funeral home where we picked up 17 urns containing the ashes for WWI, Vietnam, Peace Time Vets, and one urn containing the remains of a spouse.  We preceded to RV City in Huachuca City where we met many of bikers from there we went to the Veterans Cemetery for the formal Ceremony.  Well over 100 motorcycles from PGR, ALR, VFW, CMA, Combat Vets to name just a few were in attendance.  Larry Hougland, Dan Thrasher, Robert Perry and myself represented BKAZIX.  The MIAP team has traveled to over 1700 funeral homes looking for unclaimed Veteran remains in hopes of returning them for proper burial.  There are over 23,000 funeral homes in America.  I have put a photo gallery on our Web Page under the “Photos” Tab.

MIAP 2015 - 08          MIAP 2015 - 09

Mar 142015

We had a very good turnout this month for our monthly breakfast ride.  We had a total of fourteen members and family for breakfast.  Those who made the ride were; Jim Kneup, Dan Thrasher, Terry, Bill “Rev” Calkins, “John Wayne” McQuay, John Howe, Twan Van Der Sanden, Frank Brunetti, John Falzone, Bruce & Bonnie Distler, Bear & Robi Campbell, and yours truly.  It was good seeing some familiar but old faces who have not made any rides lately.  After breakfast Jim, Bruce, Dan, Bear, John Wayne, and myself headed for a short ride up to Mt. Lemmon.  Several of these guys have never been so it would be a nice ride.  We started out with a balmy 75 degrees.  By the time we reached Ski Valley it was a chilly 52 degrees.  We walked around the area watching the chair lift in operation.  Jim decided to head down the mountain while Dan, Bear, Bruce, and I explored Summerhaven.  After a short ride through Summerhaven we headed back down the mountain toward our respective homes.  Here are a few breakfast photos and some from Mt. Lemmon.

breakfast - 01  breakfast - 02  breakfast - 03  breakfast - 04

breakfast - 05  Mount Lemmon - 01  Mount Lemmon - 02

Feb 262015

nWell another dinner ride is in the books.  We had our monthly dinner ride in February to Chuy’s on Ina Road.  This month brought out some of our newest members and oldest.  Those who made the diner ride were; Stan & Patti Thibuat, Ernie & Priscilla Wolf, Bud Welch, Ray & Donna Valenzuela, Frank & Kate Brunetti, Randy & Cindy Palmer, Bruce & Bonnie Distler, Barry (Bear & Robi Campbell, Rich Fancher and yours truly.  All toll we had 17 members and family attend our dinner ride.  Here are a few pictures.

Dinner 2-24-15- 01 Dinner 2-24-15- 02

Dinner 2-24-15- 03 Dinner 2-24-15- 04