Feb 152016

Well we had a pretty good turnout for our February breakfast 15 members, family, and significant others made breakfast on a nice 50 degree morning.    Those who made breakfast were Jim, Frank & Kate, Mark & Sue who are friends with Frank and Kate, Bud, Paul & Debbie, Al, Twan & Fonda, Russ, Stan & Patti, and yours truly.  Here are a few pictures of our morning.

Brkfst 2-13-16-01 Brkfst 2-13-16-02 Brkfst 2-13-16-03 Brkfst 2-13-16-04 Brkfst 2-13-16-05 Brkfst 2-13-16-06

Jan 312016

Well we had our first dinner ride for 2016 @ McGraws Cantina.  We had a few members make the ride, John & Garnetti Falzone and their son, Alan Stewart & Susan Wagner, Bruce and Bonni Distler, and out president Stan & Patti Thibaut.  The weather was nice when we arrived but by the time we left the temps had dropped to 40 degrees.  It was pretty chilly riding back to the west side of town.  By the time I got home the temp had risen to 50.  Amazing how much the temps changed from one side of town to the other.

Dinner 1-26-16-01   Dinner 1-26-16-02

Jan 132016

There was a pretty good turnout for our monthly breakfast ride on Saturday January the 9th.  Those who made the ride were; Stan Thibaut, Terry, Bud Welch, Alan Stewart, Susan Wagner, Frank & Kate Brunetti, Jim Kneup and Larry Cornman a friend of Jim’s.  This was a very special breakfast in that Alan rode his Burgundy BMW 1600GT.  This was the first time he has been on a bike since his medical problems.  Baby steps Alan, soon you will be up and running.

Breakfast Outside Vail Steakhouse

Nov 152015

We had a great turnout for our monthly breakfast ride at Old Times Cafe.  Those who made the breakfast were Russ Cole, Jim Kneup, Robert Ferrier, Bruce & Bonni Distler, Mike Leeper, John Howe, Bud Welch, Robi & Bear Campbell, Paul Hill & Debbie Lakin, Twan & Fonda VanDerSanden, and your truly.  Here are a few pictures of those who made breakfast.

Brkfst Nov 11-14-15-05 Brkfst Nov 11-14-15-04 Brkfst Nov 11-14-15-03 Brkfst Nov 11-14-15-02 Brkfst Nov 11-14-15-01

Oct 292015

Well our October dinner ride a Schlomo & Vito’s didn’t have a big turnout but there were six people who were able to make the ride.  Those who made the ride were Bill (REV), Jim, Al, Alan & Susan, and your truly.  Al actually drove from Bisbee to make our monthly dinner ride.  He had nothing good to say about the traffic in Tucson.  LOL.  Here is a group picture.


Aug 312015

August 31, 2015, marked the 25th Anniversary Memorial Remembrance at DPS District 8 of the deaths of DPS Officers Sergeant John M. Blaser and Officer David G. Gabrielli.  There were officers from around the state in attendance.  Members from our chapter, John Howe, Steve Mathews, Bruce Distler, Barry (Bear) & Robi Campbell, Terry, and John Chruscinski were there to support them as well as Jan Blaser – Upchurch who is a special honorary member of our chapter.  Below is an article that was in the paper honoring these officers.

Newspaper Article

Here area few photos and a group photo with Jan Blaser – Upchurch.

Memorial - 01   Memorial - 02   Memorial - 03   Memorial - 04

Jun 072015

The Moving Wall was in Three Points this weekend.  This was the ONLY stop in Arizona for the Wall.  Bear Campbell, new member Mel Tillett and his wife Marsha, Dan Figueroa, and myself made the ride to honor all Fallen Heroes.  While Dan was there in spirit for our Chapter he was actually on duty with the PCSO directing traffic into the VFW @ Three Points.  We met at the Ina Road Harley Davidson for morning coffee before KSU at 9:30.  There were so many bikes we broke up into 4 groups of riders for the ride to Three Points.  There were well over 200+ motorcycles of all makes and models and this was in our group only.  A lot of other riders came during our time there.  They were serving both breakfast inside and had hamburgers and hot dogs outside for lunch.

If you have ever been to the “Wall” in D.C. this is a traveling and moving replica of it.  It was an honor and pleasure to be there representing the Blue Knights.  Here are a few pictures.  I took so many pictures of the bikes and people that I created a folder under our “Photos Page.”

Moving Wall Ride - 23   Moving Wall Ride - 24

Moving Wall Ride - 29