Dec 282016

On Tuesday December 27th our Chapter had their years Christmas Dinner @ Pinnacle Peaks..  Twenty members & family were in attendance along with Bear & Robi’s friends Joe & Pat.  Those in attendance were Mel & Marsha, Bill & Jackie, Alan & Susan, Jim & Barb, Robi & Bear, Bud, Jeff, Bruce & Bonni, Bill & Antje, Al, Stan & Patti, and yours truly.  During dinner it was brought to our servers attention that Robi, Bear, Joe & Pat were wearing ties.  Wearing ties in Pinnacle Peak is strictly forbidden and will be removed by having them cut off the offenders.  These people wore the ties with the explicit intention of being caught and having them cut off.  Here are a few pictures from the evening festivities.



Nov 122016

We had our monthly breakfast ride to KG’s on Grant Rd on Saturday November 12th.  We had a pretty good turnout this month with 13 members and family making the ride.  Those in attendance were; Stan, Rev Bill, Twan, John J., Al, Jim & his wife Barb, Bear & Robi, Bob, Frank, Bud, and your truly.  After breakfast Stan & I headed out Ajo Rd. to Sasabe highway.  We turned at Arivaca, had a quick coffee break @ Gadsden’s Coffee aka Cafe Aribac in Arivaca.  From there we continued to I-19 where we took the service road and rode along I-19 to Continental Rd where Stan turned of to head to Sahuarita Rd. and then on to home.  I went up I-19 and headed home myself.  Here are a few pictures of us having breakfast and the bikes in the parking lot.

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Oct 092016

We had our monthly breakfast ride for October at the Vail Steakhouse.  Here are a list of those who made breakfast; Stan & Patti, Twan & Fonda, Jim, Al, aka the Coyote assassin, Ed, Jeff & Kelly, Alan, Bud, Frank, and last but not least Terry.


Sep 292016

Well we had our monthly dinner ride again at the Nimbus Brewing Company.  This has turned out to be one of our favorite places for dinner.  While this was not one of our biggest turnouts there were a few old faces; Alan, VP Russ, Frank, Jeff & his wife, Al, and one of our new members and his wife who’s name escapes me since I don’t think I’ve met them.  Our VP even looks a little tired in the last photo.  LOL

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Aug 162016

We had a pretty nice turnout for our monthly breakfast ride for August.  Those who made the ride were;  Stan & Patti Thibaut, Bud Welch, Terry, Bob Ferrier, John Howe, Norm & Mary Hubbard, Mike Stoddard, Twan, Frank & Kate Brunetti, Bruce Distler, Jim Kneup, Alan Stewart, and our newest member Dave Wilson.   Here is a group photo at breakfast.


Jul 302016

We had our monthly dinner ride at Rancho Rustico and while we did not have a lot of members make dinner we did have our two newest members come,  Jay Ohlensehlen, and Dave Wilson.  Those members who also made the ride were:  Stan & Patti Thibaut, Mel & Marsha Tillet, and Bruce & Bonnie Distler.  Here are a few pictures.

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