Twelve members and family turned out for our monthly dinner ride to Claim Jumper. Those members included Stan & Patti Thibaut, Randy & Cindi Palmer, Bear & Robi Campbell, Bruce & Bonni Distler, John Chruscinski, “Rev”, our president Jim Kneup, and yours truly. Here are a few pictures of us enjoying dinner.
To All,
Our July dinner ride will be on Tuesday the 28th at the Noble Hops on the corner of La Canada and Lambert in Oro Valley. Meeting time is 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.
To All,
Our monthly breakfast ride for July will be at the Good Egg 5051 N. Oracle Road on the corner or Oracle and River Road. Meeting time is 8:00 a.m.
Hope to see you there.
To All,
Our June dinner ride will be at HiFalutin, 6780 N. Oracle Rd. 297-0518 between Orange Grove and Ina Road. Meeting time is 6:30 p.m.
Hope to see you there.
On Saturday April 18th the IV Annual Brian Terry Memorial Ride was held in Tombstone. There was a large turnout of fellow LEO’s who came from as far as San Diego and San Clemente California.There were members from Legion Riders, VFW, Usual Suspects, Choir Boys, Hallowed Few, and Hired Guns and of course our Blue Knights AZ IX. Those from our chapter were Randy & Cindy Palmer, Dan Thrasher and yours truly. Larry Houghland was not able to ride but he did come to Tombstone.
The ride started and ended at the American Legion in Tombstone on Allen Street. First stop was Chosin Cycles in Huachuca City, Fraternal Order of Eagles in Benson, The Rock Saloon & Brill at the Triangle T Ranch in Draagon, VFW in Pearce, and finally back to Tombstone. Here are some pictures of the MANY motorcycles that were there.
Our June breakfast ride will be at the Vail Steakhouse 13005 E. Benson Highway, 762-8777, on Saturday June 13th. Our meeting is is back to 8:00 a.m. Hope to see you there.
Vail Steakhouse
Our May dinner ride will be at Pionic Pizza, Pasta, and Salad. This was recommended by Patti Thibaut. Pionic has pizza, pasta, or salad all for the same price of $7.45 (plus tax) with all the toppings you want. There are no freezers of microwaves so ALL food is fresh.
Pionic is located at 2643 N. Campbell Ave., Suite 105. 520-32-pizza. Meeting time is 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday May 26th.
Our April breakfast ride has come and gone. This month we had 14 members and family attend breakfast. Those who made it today are; Stan & Patti Thibaut, Bruce Distler, Russ & Jackie Cole, John Falzone, Jim Kneup, Terry, Norm & Mary Hubbard, Twan, Al Tomlinson, Mike Leeper, and yours truly. Here are a few pictures of breakfast.
Our May 9th breakfast ride will be at Saguaro Corners, 3750 S. Old Spanish Trail, 520-886-2020. However breakfast time for THIS MONTH ONLY will be @ 9:00. Jim checked and they do not open on Saturdays until 9:00.
Well another dinner ride has come on gone. This month we had fourteen (14) members and family make the ride to Shlomo & Vitos’s Italian Delicatessen. Those who made the ride were; Jim & Barb Kneup, Bruce Distler, John Chruscinski, Ray & Donna Valenzuela, Will Harris, Jeff Jamieson, Terry, John & Garnetta Falzone, Bear & Robi Campbell and yours truly. A great time, food, and conversation was had by all.