Apr 082017

The Hired Guns Motorcycle Club, Arizona Chapter, has scheduled Saturday, May 6, 2017, to be the 6th anniversary of the Brian A. Terry Memorial Ride. This year, all proceeds will go to the family of fallen Border Patrol Agent Manuel Alvarez, and the Brian Terry Foundation. Please start requesting the date off now in BPETS so you can come out and participate in this great cause. Also, we will be attempting to raise money in the form of a gun raffle where the winner gets choice. See the flyers below for details, and if you’re interested in buying some tickets, stop me in the halls or text my cell. I hope to see you all there. Thanks.

Brain Terry Memorial Run

Joshua Lejman

P.S. If you can’t make it, but would still like to help, please visit www.HiredGunsMCAZ.com and register to be a “rider.”

To All,

The address for Cochise Motorsports is actually 1100 Avenida Cochise in Sierra Vista.

Apr 082017

Well we had our monthly breakfast ride and this time we tried a new location Pappy’s Diner.  I think everyone enjoyed the generous portions they received.  We actually had a rather good turnout.  Sixteen members and family made the breakfast ride.  Here are pics of those who attend:  Al, Twan & Fonda, Norm & Mary, John J., Gary, Mike, Stan & Patti, Jay, Rev, Frank, Mel & Marsha, and yours truly.  Here are a few photos of breakfast.


Mar 302017

We had our monthly chapter dinner ride and this month we returned to Brother John’s Beer-Bourbon-BBQ on Stone.  They are a new business and in 2016 was voted the Best New Restaurant by Tucson Weekly.  Those that made our dinner were Mike & Anita, Bear, Robi, and Lee, Stan & Patti, Gary, Al, and your truly.  Here are a few pictures.


If you have never been here and/or you are visiting Tucson this is a great BBQ place.  They are located at 1801 N. Stone Ave.


Mar 092017
Arizona Bike Week 2017 presented by Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale. Come out to West World April 5 -– 9 for the biggest motorcycle event in the Southwest! It’s Arizona Bike Week’s 21st birthday and everyone’s invited to join in the celebration.
Daily charity rides, hundreds of world class vendors, flat track racing, vintage motorcycle auction, daily stunts shows, exhibitions, contests, bike shows and all day live music. Nightly concerts in the RockYard presented by Go AZ Motorcycles, all included with general admission. This year’s lineup: Bret Michaels, Creedence Clearwater Revisited, Korn and Alice Cooper with CO-OP.
Mar 092017

The Phoenix Bikefest 2017 will now be held at P83 located at Peoria Sports Complex on April 6th – 9th.  The event will take up the entire parking lot on the West side of Peoria Sports Complex along 83rd Avenue just South of Bell Rd. As usual, this will be a FREE event that will feature Demo Rides from the major motorcycle manufacturers, Vendors, Live Music, Bike Show, and the return of the Phoenix Bikefest Ride Through Experience featuring the all new Tiki Bar, and Much More! Peoria Sports Complex located just 2 blocks South of 83rd Ave. and Bell Rd.

Wanting to tryout one of the recent models of your favorite motorcycle?

4 days of demo rides April 6-9th available on the following brands.
Indian Motorcycle
Moto Guzzi


Mar 042017

Well we had our 2nd annual Rev’s Birthday ride on Saturday March 4th.  We had a total of 8 bikes with 9 riders make the journey to Superior, lunch as Los Hermanos in Superior, and then back down through Florence to our respective homes for a round trip of about 190 miles.  It was GREAT weather, starting out at about 60 degrees and by the time we got home it was in the upper 70’s.  Great riding weather.  Here are the names of those who made this trip: Bill aka Rev, Dave, Norm & Mary, Ken, Bud, Bruce, Frank, and yours truly.  Here are pictures of our journey.