Nov 122017

On Saturday November 11th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month’s ride was at KG’s Cafe on Grant Road.    We had a rather large crowd for our breakfast this month.  We had 13 members, friends, and family make the ride.  Those who attended were: Al, Bud, Ken, Rev, Stan, Frank, Alan & Susan, Terry, Twan & his friend (forgot name), your truly, and last but not least Jim K.  This was Jim’s first day back in the saddle  He had shoulder and bicep surgery that has kept him off his ride for months.  Welcome back Jim!!!!!!!  Here are a few pictures of our group.


Oct 162017

We had our monthly breakfast ride at Vail Steakhouse on Saturday the 14th.  Those who made the ride were:

Alan & Susan, Twan & Fonda, Big Al, Bruce, Bud, Mike & Anita, Norm & Mary, along with Frank & Kate.  Also joining our breakfast ride were Bo & Julie, and Ron & Sheryl.  They came as friends of Mike & Anita.  I understand that Bo works with the Fort Huachuca Police Department and might be interested in joining our Chapter.  Here are a few pictures of our members and guests at the Vail Steakhouse.



Aug 132017

Our monthly breakfast ride was held at the Vail Steakhouse this month.  Those in attendance were; Stan, Mel & Marsha, John, Jim, Al, Bud, and Terry. 

After breakfast Stan, John, and Bud took a ride.  Here is a synopsis of their ride as written by Stan. 

We had a small group for breakfast. Afterward John Bud, and I took a ride. We rode south on the Sonoita Highway. We rode west on 82 through Patagonia, continuing to W River Rd. We went north to Via Frontera, then west on Ruby Rd to I-19. We headed north on 19 and stopped at the Rest Area north of Arivaca Junction. It was a good place to stop for a talk before we continued to Tucson. John said it was the longest ride he has been on since he had been plagued with back and shoulder problems. It was good to see him enjoying the ride. John and I were going to head east on Sahuarita Rd to Houghton Rd, then north for home. Bud was going to continue north on I-19 to head home and parted ways at the Sahuarita Rd exit. John dropped off Houghton Rd at Golf Links and when I arrived at home, I had ridden 164 miles that morning. I am sure Bud had ridden many more than that.