Aug 202019

On Saturday August 10th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month was at “Jethro’s”.  We had a small turnout this month where eighteen members and family showed for breakfast.  We either had a lot of HUNGRY people or they love Jethro’s.  Those in attendance were:

Chuck Farrell, Bruce & Bonni Distler, Susan Wagner & Alan Stewart, Twan Vander Sanden, John J Howe Jr., Bob Ferrier, Terry, Steve Empey, Frank Brunetti, John Falzone, Bear & Robi Campbell, Stan & Patti Thibaut along with Stan’s daughter, and Special guests from AZ6 Ray & Chris Hardyman who are going to transfer their membership to our Chapter in 2020.


Respectfully submitted


People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
People will NEVER forget how you made them feel.

Jul 152019

On Saturday July 13th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month we were at KG’s on Grant Road.  Those who made our breakfast ride were: Bob Ferrier, Terry Azbill, John Howe, Chuck Farrell, Twan Vander Sanden, Steve Empey, Bear & Robi Campbell, Mel & Marsha Tillett, Alan Stewart & Susan Wagner along with Alan’s dad and sister Tom Stewart & Kim Collier.  Here are a few pictures of breakfast and our guests.



I wish I could have been there.  Good turnout.



May 112019

On Saturday May 11th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month we went to the Little Mexico Steakhouse, 2851 W. Valencia Rd.  In attendance were: Robi & Bear C., Twan V., Chuck F., Bob F., John J. H., and John F.  By the look on everyones faces it appears they enjoyed breakfast.



Apr 142019

On Saturday April 13th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month we went to the “Happy Rooster Cafe” out on S. Sarnoff.  What a great eclectic place.  We had a lot of members show up for this ride.  Those in attendance were:  Terry A., his friend Steve E., John F., John J. H., Bill & Antje C., Mike S., Twan Van., Susan W. & Alan S., Bruce & Bonnie D., and yours truly.  Bruce brought with him news that he decided, or was it Bonnie’s decision, but he now owns a NEW Tri-Glide.  It seems they were at Harley and Bonnie decided to sit on the back seat and I guess it was love at first sight or was it sit.  Either way congratulations on your new addition.  Here are a few pictures from breakfast:


Feb 262019

On Saturday February 9th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month we went to Sunny Daze Cafe.  We had an above number of members making breakfast this month.  Thirteen members and three guests made the breakfast ride.  Those in attendance were: Twan V., Frank B., Ken Mc., Paul & Debra H., Alan & Susan S., along with their guests Mary J S., and W. K., Timothy, Bill & Antje C., Chuck F., Alan V., and yours truly.



Jan 122019

On Saturday January 12th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month we we at Old Time Cafe on Prince.  This month 12 members, family, and friends were able to make the ride.  Those in attendance were: Bill G. & Lois C., Frank & Kate B., Twan S., John J. H., Ken Mc., Allen S. & Susan W., Bill & Antje C., and yours truly.  After breakfast Twan led John J. and myself on a short 65 mile ride around town.  We left Old Town headed to Grant, then S. Grande, to Mission, to Kinney, to Ajo, to Twin Peaks, to Tangerine, then to La Canada where we parted ways south of Lambert for each of our homes.  Here are a few pictures of breakfast.



Dec 092018

DON’T forget our Christmas Party this year.  Once again it will be held @ the Rev’s house.  He & Antje have opened their house once again to host our Party.

On Saturday December 8th we had our monthly breakfast ride.  This month we went to KG’s on Broadway.  This must be a well liked place or our members had nothing else to do and were able to get away for a little get together.  We had a total of 18 members family & friends attend.  Those who were fortunate to spend the morning together were: Frank B., Ken McC., Bruce D., Lois C & Bill G., Sandy M., Gary A., John H., Twan & Fonda V., Alan S & Susan W., Jim K., Robi & Bear C., along with our newest member Tom & Rebecca T, and of course yours truly.  We did have a little shenanigans with Jim K and Robi C.  Here are pictures of those who made our December Breakfast:


Nov 112018

On Saturday November 10th we met for our monthly breakfast ride @ KG Westside Cafe on Grant Road. A total of FOURTEEN Members, family and guests made the ride this day.  Making the ride this day were: Jim K, Ken Mc, Terry A, American Legion Riders Lois C. and Bill G, Alan S and Susan W,  John H, Norm N, Twan & Fonda V, along with TWO potential new members Chuck F, and Don L, and yours truly.  GREAT conversations were had during this great breakfast meeting.  Here are a few pictures from breakfast.


Sep 092018

Our monthly breakfast ride for September was held at the Egg Connection on Ft. Lowell and Country Club.  The folks there were extremely nice and went out of their way to make sure we had an awesome experience.

The members that were there are: Stan and Patti, Bud, Jim K., Bear and Robi.

Here are a few pictures from breakfast including some of the delicious food.



Aug 162018

Well we had our monthly breakfast ride on Saturday August 11, 2018 and WOW did our members show up in force. 

Here is the line-up of members who made the August breakfast at Cracker Barrel.  It was fun, we had a large group make our ride.  A total of THIRTEEN members were in town and enjoyed the company of fellow LEO’s.  Those in attendance were:  Barry & Robi,  Stan & Patti, Allen & Susan, Bud, John J., Jim K., Al T., Twan & Fonda, and last but not least Jay.  I really miss you all and hope to be returning soon.



RoN F.