On Saturday 1/11/25 we had our incognito breakfast ride at Jethro’s Cafe & Tavern on East Broadway. As you can see the members didn’t want their faces exposed for a change. However I did recognize a few of the members. At breakfast were Steve & Vicky, Robi & Bear, Alan & Susan, Ken, yours truly, and a few others.
On Saturday December 10th BKAZIX had our monthly Chapter Breakfast Ride. This month we went to the Happy Rooster CafĂ© on Sarnoff Rd. Today’s ride brought out the following members and family: Steve E., Robi & Bear C., John F., Ken Mc., Bill & Antje C., Alan S., and his wife Susan W., Brad A., and yours truly. We had a great conversation and great food as well. Here are a few pictures from this mornings breakfast.
While our turnout was only five members today this is pretty good since our last ride was back in April of this year. Those in attendance were Alan Stewart, Susan Wagner, Ken McCoy, Bill (Rev) Calkins and yours truly. Alan & Susan even braved the “Cool” weather to ride their bikes from Vail. Here are few pictures of the riders.
On Sunday July 3rd Carl Lewis, John Figueroa, Tony Ruh, Susan Wagner, Alan Stewart, and yours truly did a Memorial Ride for Officer William Elliott. We met at the Eric Hite Substation on Golf Links road and proceeded to Butter My Biscuits for breakfast at the intersection of AZ-92 and AZ-92 in Sonoita. BUtter my Biscuits is a new no frills restaurant with great biscuits & gravy. Here are a few pictures from the days ride.
Well after a LONG hiatus with COVID, etc., BKAZIX restarted our monthly breakfast rides. This month we went to Sunny Daze on Campbell. And to start the new riding season off we were met @ Sunny Daze with the Life Squad. Apparently a patron had an issue and had to be taken to the hospital. But enough of that.
So the members who made the ride were: Robi, Alan & Susan, Jim, Terry, Steve, Scott, and yours truly. We had a great breakfast and some good conversation was had after this long break. Here are a few pictures along with a few of the bikes. Alan and Susan are riding 2021 BMW’s. SWEET rides.
On Saturday March 14th we had our monthly breakfast. This month we went to: Happy Rooster Cafe on 1114 S. Sarnoff Dr. We had 14 members and friends come for breakfast. Here are a few pictures of breakfast: Those in attendance were: Rev Bill C., Jim K., Frank B., Terry A., Steve E., Stan & Patti T, Stan is recovering from recent hip surgery, Jim P & Ann T, from ONT VIII, Bear & Robi C., Susan W. & Alan S., and finely yours truly.
When we went outside we noticed that we had several bikes parked next to each other that had license tags BKREV, BK IX, and BKAZ9. Also Susan W. has a NICE new ride which are the last two pictures. Unfortunately I forgot what it is.
WHAT a great turnout for our monthly breakfast ride this month. While it was rather CHILLY and some members had to ride in cages it brought out EIGHTEEN members and family to participate in our monthly breakfast ride. We even had a new WINTER visitor come, NY IV Jerry K. Here is a list of the members who came and a few pictures to go along with it:
Chuck F., Terry A, Steve E, Mike & Rita S, Jerry K from NY IV, Jim K, Bear & Robi C, Bill REV C, Ken Mc, Frank B, Twan V, Bruce D, Alan S and Susan W, Russ C, and yours truly. Here are a few pictures of the members at breakfast.
On Saturday January 11th we had our FIRST BK breakfast ride of the New Year. While it was a blustery 40 degrees when I left my house some people had upper 20’s and came in cages. Our first breakfast for 2020 was held at Trident Grill II on Swan where they serve breakfast on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. I must say everyone was pleased with their food. Those who made the chilly ride were: Alan S & Susan W., Mike & Nita S., Gary A., Ken & Felicia H., Robi & Bear C., Frank B., Dennis M., and yours truly. Here are a few pics of the attendees.
On Saturday October 12th we had our monthly breakfast ride. This month we went to Sandy’s Restaurant & RV Park in Pearce, Az. We met @ TTT Truck Stop and headed south. Those who made breakfast were: Twan V., Steve E., Jim K., Terry A., Stan T., Frank B., Bear & Robi C., Susan W., and yours truly. Here are few photos we took at breakfast.
After breakfast a few of us decided to ride home through Gleeson to see the jail, then on through Tombstone, to get gas, Sonoita, and then home. We had the BEST opportunity ever by getting to the jail just as the curator was getting ready to leave. However he stayed open while we walked through the jail. Normally it is closed and by pure luck someone was there. However this day we were LUCKY. Here are a few photos from the INSIDE of the jail.
Door to door, my mileage for the day was: 285 miles and I live on the far northwest side off of Thornydale.
More photo’s provided by Stan T.
We had a smal group of riders for breakfast on Saturday the 10th @ Jethro’s, only 18,
Those present were: Chuck Farrell, Bruce & Bonni Distler, Susan Wagner & Alan Stewart, Twan Vander Sanden, John J Howe Jr. , Bob Ferrier, Terry Azbill, Steve Empey, Frank Brunetti , John Falzone, Bear & Robi Campbell, Stan & Patti Thibaut along with Stan’s daughter, and Special guests & AZBKIX almost newest members Ray & Chris Hardyman. Here are a few pics from brekfast.