Ron Friend

Feb 292020

On Tuesday February 26th we met at Holy Smokin’ Butts for our monthly dinner ride.  What a great turnout we had.  Those who were in attendance were:  Ont VIII Members Jim P. and Ann T., & Kay and Derek C.  Also Gary A, Stan T, Frank B, Jim K, Bruce and Bonnie D, Mike and Nita Schultz, Chuck F, Alan S and Susan W, along with our very own Bill (Rev) C.

Everyone RAVED about how great the food was.  The wait staff, Danielle was just as good.  Bill C talked with the manager before leaving and said they had a great time.  The manage said to come back anytime and we could even have Danielle again as out waitress.

Here are a few pictures from the evening:


Feb 082020

WHAT a great turnout for our monthly breakfast ride this month.  While it was rather CHILLY and some members had to ride in cages it brought out EIGHTEEN members and family to participate in our monthly breakfast ride.  We even had a new WINTER visitor come, NY IV Jerry K.  Here is a list of the members who came and a few pictures to go along with it:
Chuck F., Terry A, Steve E, Mike & Rita S, Jerry K from NY IV, Jim K, Bear & Robi C, Bill REV C, Ken Mc, Frank B, Twan V, Bruce D, Alan S and Susan W, Russ C, and yours truly.  Here are a few pictures of the members at breakfast.


Feb 012020

On Saturday February 1st Jim & Ann P and myself went to the Pima Air & Space Museum for Law Enforcement Days.  After walking around for about two hours we decided to have lunch on Valencia at Chili’s.  Here are just a few of the pictures from the day’s activities:


The first bike belongs to Pima Community College and is ALL Electric.  The Officer stated it will do 105.

Jan 302020

On Tuesday January 28th we had our monthly dinner ride.  This month we went to El Patio in Green Valley.  Those who made the ride were:  Robi & Bear C., Chuck F., Rich F., Jim K., Frank B., Alan S & Susan W., Jim & Ann P, Scott V., and our newest Winter visitors Larry & Roxanne K. from MN IV Chapter and of course, yours truly.  Here are a few pics from dinner.


Jan 112020

On Saturday January 11th we had our FIRST BK breakfast ride of the New Year.  While it was a blustery 40 degrees when I left my house some people had upper 20’s and came in cages.  Our first breakfast for 2020 was held at Trident Grill II on Swan where they serve breakfast on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.  I must say everyone was pleased with their food.  Those who made the chilly ride were: Alan S & Susan W., Mike & Nita S., Gary A., Ken & Felicia H., Robi & Bear C., Frank B., Dennis M., and yours truly.  Here are a few pics of the attendees.

Dec 222019

On Saturday December 21st we had our Annual Christmas gathering at Bill (Rev) and his lovely wife Antje’s house.  Those who made the festivities were: Stan & Patti T., Allen & Susan W., Bear & Robi C., Terry A., of course Rev & Antje, and finally yours truly.  After sampling a lot of goodies brought by various members of BKAZIX we went for the “Gift” Exchange.  Well as you can see by the photos below a good time was had by all.


Dec 012019

On Sunday December 1st Renegade Classics had their Annual Santa Claus Toy Run.  Once again they did not disappoint.  If you were not at breakfast before with Twan, Rev, Frank, Jim and Ann P from Ont VIII, and yours truly there were PLENTY of donuts and coffee at Renegades.

While some of our members rode under the color of the ALR or Patriot Guard we had quite a few people attend.  Those who made the ride were Frank B., Jim & Ann P., Mike & Sylvia S., Rev., Susan S., Lois C. & Bill G., Chuck F., Robi & Bear C., and yours truly.


Oct 302019

On Monday October 28th Police Officers from around the area met at Tucson Harley Davidson for a Memorial Ride for our Fallen TPD Police Officers.  After a short ride briefing by Carl Lewis 22 bikes, 28 people and one chase vehicle, along with Stan T., Twan V., Chuck F., and yours truly headed off west on I-10 to Twin Peaks, east on Tangerine, then north on Oracle.  After a short stop in Winkleman for fuel and a break we continued north to US-60 to Globe, left to Irene’s Real Mexican Food.  After a nice lunch and chat time with friends we all headed in our separate directions back to Tucson. Twan, Chuck, myself, and three TPD officer continued west through Miami, and Superior back down US 177 back to Winkleman.  We stopped there again for a short break, then south on Oracle to our respective homes.  Here are some photos of the days ride.