Jan 142018

On Saturday January 13th we had our FIRST breakfast ride of 2018.  Our breakfast was at the Vail Steakhouse in Benson.  We had a GREAT turnout for our first ride of the year.  Thirteen members and family made the ride.  We even had a visiting Blue Knight from OR II Ray McNeely.  Ray and his wife live in Sierra Vista during the winter.  Those who made the ride were Gary A, Twan & Fonda, Ray McNeely, Robert P, Alan & Susan, Terry A, Ed S, Jim K, Al T, Ken Mc, and yours truly.  Not only did we have a great breakfast we also had two other motorcycle groups enjoying breakfast as well.  The Blue Iron, a Corrections Officers Group out of Sierra Vista as well as a group of Buffalo Soldiers.  Here are a few pictures of our guests as well as their rides parked outside.


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